Jump Start Vue.js, 2nd Edition

Jump Start Vue.js, 2nd Edition

Since its release in 2014, Vue.js has seen a meteoric rise to popularity and is now considered one of the primary front-end frameworks, and not without good reason. Its component-based architecture was designed to be flexible and easy to adopt, making it just as easy to integrate into projects and use alongside non-Vue code as it is to build complex client-side applications.

Now revised to cover Vue 3, this short book is ideal for front-end developers who need a rapid introduction to Vue.js. It covers:

  • Basic concepts: Vue fundamentals, templates, and reactive data
  • Components: custom components, events and slots
  • State management: Vuex, mutations, actions
  • Routes: creating routes, links and route guards
  • Nuxt.js: build sophisticated apps in no time
  • And much more!

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